Eggs are a staple most of us have in our fridge on any given day. Because if you've got eggs in the house, you're good; you can manage to scrounge together something for dinner. But it's not how people use the eggs in the carton that's throwing them into a tizzy — it's how they store them. Over the weekend, Delish's social media editor, Alyssa, texted our work group text with this picture asking which camp we each fall into:

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Turns out, Delish editors have VERY specific thoughts on how your carton should look. Texts began firing, some even with a quick snapshot of their current carton situtation, proof of their fervent egg organizing:

"I'm C. You gotta level out the weight so you don't drop the carton."

Tan, Egg, Egg, Soap dish, Oval, Tray, pinterest

"D. I compulsively reorganize the eggs every time I'm in the kitchen."

Food, Ingredient, Egg, Animal product, Egg, Natural material, Staple food, Square, Plastic, pinterest

The As, realizing their lack of organization, quietly responded with nothing more than their letter. Who knew something so random could garner such disagreement?!

So, which letter do YOU fall into?

From: Delish US